Demo Content Import

Import Demo

1.  First, go to Appearance > Import Demo Data

2.  click Import button to start importation of the demo website.

3. Please wait until the demo data is imported properly because it may take about 30 mins.

4. And finally when demo data importation is finished successfully  you will see a confirmation message. 

Permalinks Setup

Permalinks Setup go to Settings > Permalinks  and fill in the Post Name & Hit Save.

Homepage Setup

01. Go to settings > Reading. And choose A static page and set your Homepage then hit the save changes button.

Menu Setup

Go to Appearance > Select Main Menu Form Select a menu to edit.

And choose Primary in the Menu Settings  then hit the Save Menu button.

And choose Footer Menu in the Menu Settings  then hit the Save Menu button.

Update Site Address (URL)

1. Go to Elementor > Tools and Choose Replace URL

2. For Updating Site URL, Put old url and new url. Then hit the Replace URL button.

Mini Cart at Header

1. If mini cart button not showing at the Header, Go to Element Pack.
02. Go to 3rd Party Widgets
03. Make Enable by Click the Slider. And Hit the Save Settings button.

04. Go to Elementor > Tools 

05. Regenerate CSS & Hit The Save Changes Button.

06. Go To Template

Set Widget Equal Height

01. Go to Element Pack.

02. Go to Element Pack > Elementor Extend

03. By Default, Widget Equal Height is Disable. Make Enable by Click the Slider.

04. Make Enable by Click the Slider. And Hit the Save Settings button.

Enable Featured Courses

1. If Featured Courses not showing at the Home page.

01. Go to Element Pack.

02. Go to 3rd Party Widgets
04. Make Enable by Click the Slider. And Hit the Save Settings button.

Tutor Plugin Setup

01.How to setup Tutor Plugin.

02. Go to setup wizard.

02. Start setup.

Tutor Plugin Setup

01. Page setup For :

  • Courses
  • Dashboard
  • Instructor Registration
  • Student Registration

02. Go to Tutor LMS > Settings >

03. Go to General Tab Select Dashboard page & Save.

04. Go to Course Tab Select Courses & Save.

05. Go to Instructor Tab Select Instructor Registration Page & Save.

06. Go to Student Tab Select Student Registration Page & Save.

Setup Event Calender

If  Event Page Broken or not showing properly .

01. Go to Events > Events.

02. Edit All Events.

03. Update Event Date
